
About Me

Hello! My name is Bri and was hoping to introduce myself! I am a full-grown California girl, living in Illinois. I have a beautiful family, and an amazing husband. I have an amazing group of friends that I love like sisters. God has blessed me abundantly and I strive to live a life that shows my gratefulness.

K and I were married this past June 15th. We met our freshman year of college at Azusa Pacific University. I loved him immediately, but I think it took him a bit longer ;) (I think that tends to be the case with men...) We focused on growing our relationship as friends, then best friends before we decided to date. After a few dates, we knew we should just jump right in and label the relationship. Almost 4 years later, we were married at a beautiful farm in Livermore, CA.

A few years ago we both decided to change our lifestyle and take control of our health. We committed to eliminate fast food, candy and any junk food from our diets. We lived like this very easily, but allowed ourselves to indulge in bad foods every once in a while. (For me, "every once in a while" was once or twice a day...). Beginning our lives together, out here on our own, we've realized the opportunity to take complete control! We are young and exploring life, so I know we will still indulge here and there, but our goal is to be working towards a paleo (and for me vegetarian) lifestyle. We exercise everyday together, and keep each other accountable to continue moving forward!

Thank you for coming along on this adventure. It is sure to be an interesting one...

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